Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tell All Tuesday (two days late): An Attitude of Gratitde

I got the idea for Tell All Tuesdays from my friend Wendi's website. I thought it was a great idea so I am blog-lifting.

1. The things I give thanks for this Thanksgiving:
  • my family
  • the health of myself and family
  • incredible freinds
  • a job I really love
  • pets that I love to hate
  • all of the time I get to spend with Aiden and Audrey
  • date nights with Travis
  • the goofy faces in the picture below

2. My Thanksgiving traditions include:
  • a relaxing morning
  • an early dinner with Travis' side of the family
  • a late dinner with my side of the family
  • When Granny and Papa were still alive we'd play games after dinner and dessert. I'd like to start that tradition again once the kids are old enough to play with us (three rounds of Candy Land does not a game make).

3. The best thing about Thanksgiving for me is: spending time with family and getting to enjoy their company without the stress of gift giving. Plus all the yummy food!

4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is: stuffing.

5. The most exciting thing that ever happened at Thanksgiving was: nothing I can recall. It seems to be a pretty relaxed day. We used to love to watch Aunt Chere "sneak" food to our dog Snuggles. Mom would get so mad that she was feeding the dog the Honey Baked Ham. Also, I used to be in charge of drying the dishes when the ladies when the ladies would wash them after the meal. I loved to sneak the ones I'd dried back into the dirty pile and try to fool Granny and Chere. Sometimes they'd realize what I had done but many times it went unnoticed except for a comment like, "These holidays are all running together because I could have sworn I'd already washed this dish." Little did I realize that my prank caused me extra work too since the dished had to be dried again, too.

6. After the meal: everyone sits around the table and talks before we all help clean up the carnage. Lately Travis has been doing the dishes...not bad, huh? And Aiden likes to put the silverware back in the hutch. We'll see what Audrey does to fit in the mix since last year she snoozed in her swing through dinner. Like I mentioned earlier, I'd like for us to start playing games again soon.

7. To get ready I need to: make desserts since that always seems to be my job. I like to bake and do it better than cook. I need to make sure the kids stuff is all packed since we'll be going from Cathy's to Noni's and will be there late enough for jammys.

I am thankful for you! Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Wendi said...

Kristen! I love you! How did I not know that you have a blog???

My friend Marcie is the one who started the Tell All Tuesday thing. It's at That would be so fun if you participated!

I hope you have an awesome holiday tomorrow!