Thursday, December 13, 2007

Sweeter than any sugarplum

This is my girl, Audrey.

This little one is 16 months going on 26 years old! Sometimes I think she acts more grown up than I. For example, when she is ready for bed, she'll turn off the TV, take my hand and guide me to the gate at the bottom of the basement stairs. "Baba. Night night" she'll tell me and be ready for bed. She'll mimic anything we say to her and it actually sounds pretty close. Our favorite thing about her language is her favorite word, "pookoo." We've discovered this word can mean many things: purple, crayon, present, and the list goes on. She also refuses to eat without a spoon and always uses "pwease" and "dank oo." What a little lady!

She loves to sing "Old MacDonald" so she'll sing "e-i-e-i-o-duck" because she always wants the duck to be named first. When any music is on while she is sitting(or even when it is dead silent), you can see her kicking her legs to the rhythm. She also does this when you hold her or when she is trying to fall asleep. It sounds funny in the monitor at night. And dancing? That girl has some rhythm! I see toe shoes in her future!

Audrey is named after my dad's mother whom I believe to be one of the kindest women I've ever known. I was so worried that this baby would be a hellion and I would always be yelling at her using my grandmother's name. That would be too weird!Luckily this Audrey is following in that Audrey's footsteps. She cannot stand to hear anyone cry, especially babies. Tonight in Target she heard a baby crying and she called out, "don't cry" and blew the baby a kiss. If she accidently head buts us while we are holding her she'll say "saawwwyy" and "ets hug." Can't get much sweeter than that. Although my grandmother hated her name I think she's so happy to have such a beautiful and gentle little girl as her namesake. Santa will definitely be good to her this year!

Audrey's wish list from Santa:
1. A doll with a doh (pacifier) or one that talks.
2. Books
3. Puzzles
4. Anything kitty cat