Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Tell All: Working Girl

From the beginning of my teens I started teaching. I helped my aunt teach ballet lessons to her beginning class. They were darling! I also taught and coached my synchronized swimming team, Louisville Sea Dancers.

High School

My first legitimate job was lifeguarding. I worked at several places for the next 6 years. I love the water so I got paid for doing what I love! I also taught swim lessons.

My senior year I worked at O'Charley's as a hostess. Nothing exciting there but I enjoyed it.


Over the summers I still lifeguarded and taught swim lesson. Once again, how can you go wrong to get paid to tan and hang out with your freinds?

In college I worked at Central Christian Child Care Center with the 3 year olds. The kids were adorable but I knew I wanted to work with older children.

Another job in college was hostessing at 3's, Rex Chapman's restaurant. Not a momentous job but I did get to meet Rick Pitino and Billy Donovan.

When I moved to Frankfort after college I waited tables and bartended at Applebee's. Since it was such a small town I needed to meet people my age and that was the hub of the town. It was there that I met my dearest friend, Candace. That was worth more than any tip I could ever have earned.


My first job was at Owensboro High School for two years, teaching sophomore and senior English. I loved teaching there! So much student involvement and opportunity to be a leader. While there I realized that I wanted to be back with my family so I headed back to Louisville.

Louisville Male High School was the first place I parked my grade book in Louisville. I taught senior English part time and was upset to find out that my position was not going to be available the next year. I didn't mind working at Peir 1 to make up for the part time salary. Travis worked with me there: I was in the front and in charge of wedding resigtries while Travis worked in the stock room.

Next stop: Jefferson County Traditional Middle School for three years. Although I made some lasting freindships (shout outs to Wendi, Kathy, and Marsha) middle school was not my thing.

Put on the brakes! My next and current job is teaching at Waggener Traditional High School, my alma mater. This has been my favorite job for many reasons. One reason is because we have such great students. Another is that I feel like I am able to give back to the school that helped form who I have become. Although I have been there for the past five years, I have taught sophomore English, humanities, theater arts and junior English. Now I am working in the media center as head librarian and I love it! I am able to encourage reading and work with students in a different capacity than that of a teacher. Another benefit is that I don't have papers to grade! I have become so close with the people I work with that I can't imagine working without them!

Wow, that was a long ride! Each job I held has taught me valuable lessons to make me the person I am today. I have learned patience, grace, compassion, giving, and the value of hard work.