...and proclaimed, "Look! Santa brought me an elf costume!" Travis and I laughed so hard our sides hurt!
Schimpf's Confectionary's Red Hot Drop candies are a tradition in our family. This year I actually made it to the store to get them myself! My aunt Norma and I took 2 van-loads of kids to Schimpf's, one of the only candy makers still doing it ALL by hand, and actually got to watch them make the They also have a deli (which was closed during the holiday rush) and a homemade ice cream parlor that we chose to take advantage of. All the kids then scoured the shelves to choose what they wanted to take home. Aiden chose the chocolate coins, Audrey chose chocolate chip candies, I chose modjeskas and decided Travis needed some coconut balls. After loading them up on sugar, we let them unwind at Norma's for a big ol' cousin playdate.
One night when Audrey was out at a grandparents, Travis and I had a game night with Aiden, taking advantage of some that Santa left for him this year.